Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Ok so imagine a world of simply waking up 10 minutes before class starts, but you don’t have to rush because class is held in your room. No worries about the hustle and bustle it takes to get to your school or figuring out what to wear. Snow, rain and sick days aside you never have to miss class or even leave the house. Starting your day at school is as simple as putting on a pair of goggles. The new media tool that makes all this more than too good to be true is virtual reality. Virtual reality entails presenting our senses with a computer generated virtual environment. We know the world through our senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. These other sensory inputs, plus some special processing of sensory information by our brains ensures that we have a rich flow of information from the environment to our minds. So basically, virtual reality involves utilizing some your senses in order to create a stimulate environment ultimately tricking your brain into thinking the environment is more real then it is. Virtual reality is a new media tool that I would love to utilize at a college like Baruch where there are a lot of adult learners and independent students. This technology could improve the efficiency of college in many ways one of which it will save students money on transportation which can be used toward buying course materials on time so they are not missing out on any chapters covered at the beginning of the course. It will save students time that they can use on homework and studying. Professors would save money on supplies such as dry erase board products. For save the planet enthusiast virtual reality courses can even save trees and limit the use of paper. And get this even lesson plans are more efficient due to the fact that normal classroom distractions such a student’s walking in and tedious things like taking attendance would be a thing of the pass.

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