So the very first time I ever encountered a file sharing
software was Lime wire. File sharing is the nature in which people are able to transmit
files from one computer to the next. I remember Lime wire being a way for me to
share and download some of my favorite music for free. The way the software
works is basically users pay and download music from other sites then, they
upload the music to lime wire allowing others to download with a simple search
and click. Lime wire is the exact definition of P2P (peer 2 peer) file sharing
because it allows their users to share music for and me to be able to invest
our money by means of personal loans to others and charge them interest. Similarly
to lime wire it allows users to share from one person to another which in my
opinion takes power away from big business and put it in the hands of everyday people.
I am super optimistic for the future of this concept of peer to peer file
sharing I believe it will be very beneficial in bringing people from
person to person. In the article “Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each
Other” by Wendy Kaufman talks about what file sharing in a more sophisticated
sense. And how a company by the name of Lending Club functions is off the bases
of allowing everyday people like you.
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