Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Blog: Social networking sites

      Besides messenger i personally haven't used Facebook for much since maybe 2014. So its interesting to see how much the site has updated but im not a 100% sold on 2018's version of Facebook. Im particularly not too thrilled about the notifications settings. My notifications are filled with the most random information like : one of my followers commented on her own status & seriously Facebook do i really need to know everyone's birthday with over 1900 friends it becomes superfluous. Twitter , for me at this very point in time is very vague and confusing when i log on to this site i never really know what to do Twitter or where to start. Myspace i couldn't even begin to remember my username in password or when the last time i was on the site.However i must not be getting th Myspace memo because according to 15 million people visit Myspace on a monthly basis. Myspace has totally revamped their look. Upon visiting the site I've noticed it looks very urban and interacted. on Their main page they offer featured content to allure users into loging on and i must say i am intrigued. There is Instagram! i am obsessed with instagram the content on my news feed and explore page is always on point. I really enjoy the visual heavy content because it allows users to express there self explicitly through picture and videos. I actually enjoy watching Instagram videos more so then cable t.v some of my favorite comics like @jessicahilarious post a lot of material on Instagram.

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